Learn English while learning about daily life in Australia, with Rob McCormack
Podcast Number 94 – State Government in Australia
People often complain about the government. Despite that, I think we all know that governments are important. Without them, our society and our lives would be chaotic and unsafe. In Australia, there are 3 levels of government. The highest level is called Federal or Commonwealth government. The lowest level of government is called Local government. I have talked about these two levels of government in previous podcasts (podcast 21 and podcast 81). In this podcast, I would like to talk about the middle level of government in Australia, being State and Territory government. Like the other two levels, decisions made by State and Territory governments affect many important aspects of Australians’ daily lives.
In Australia, we have six states and 2 large territories. Our six states are New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia and Tasmania. I live on the outskirts of Melbourne in the state of Victoria. The two large territories in Australia are the Australian Capital Territory (ACT for short) and the Northern Territory. The ACT is where Canberra, Australia’s capital, is located, about 280 kilometres from Sydney. The Northern Territory is very large and lies in the northern part of Australia. Its capital is Darwin.
While we also have 8 other territories in Australia, they are relatively small (for example Christmas Island). I will only talk about the two largest mainland territories, which in many ways are treated just like states here in Australia. During my life so far I have lived in Western Australia (where I was born), the ACT (in Canberra), New South Wales (in Sydney) and lastly in Victoria. I must confess that I have not yet visited the Northern Territory. I will get there eventually however, as I am keen to visit Uluru and also see the Kakadu National Park, both of which are in the Northern Territory.
Each state and territory government has its own parliament and elected politicians. The government leader of a state is called the Premier. For the ACT and the Northern Territory, the leader of the government is called the Chief Minister, although their job is just like that of a Premier. All states except Queensland have two houses of parliament. The lower house is the most powerful, as this is where the party with the highest number of seats becomes the government. The upper house is there to provide a review of the laws which are proposed by the lower house. The ACT and the Northern Territory only have the lower house of parliament (like Queensland). Elections are held every four years in each state and territory. This is different to the Federal government, where lower house elections are held every three years.

The State Parliament of Victoria, Melbourne.
By Donaldytong (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Another important area is health, where the State and Territory governments have a major role, along with the Federal government. State and Territory governments build and manage the hospitals, manage the ambulance services, build and manage community health centres and manage the immunization programs. While it’s true that the Federal government provides a lot of funding for hospitals, it is the State and Territory governments which build and manage the hospitals. The Federal government also provides funding to the States and Territories for other health related areas, but it’s the State and Territory governments which are actively involved in running these programs and facilities. People understand the role of State and Territory governments in health. You can imagine that, when state and territory elections are held, hospitals and ambulances are important topics for discussion.
Transport is another major area for State and Territory governments. This includes major highways and roads, railways, buses, trams, traffic laws and their enforcement and other transport related things. Getting around in Australia is important, since we are such a big country. So if the State or Territory government is not doing a good job in this area, people very quickly become unhappy. Our rail system, especially between cities, is not very large, so a good road system is important in Australia. In my view, our major roads are pretty good, with major highways being quite well maintained, although I would say the Europeans do a better job in that regard. Our local bus and tram system here in Victoria is pretty good, in my opinion, so I think the State government here is doing well on that.
Other major areas of State and Territory government responsibility include water and sewerage. The State government here in Victoria has an extensive network of dams and pipes to make sure our water and sewerage are always available (see podcast 14). We can always have our say at a state election if we are not happy with these. Energy is an area where State and Territory governments also play a role, although in this case they work together with the Federal government to ensure electricity and gas continue to be available to Australians.
Community safety is another state and territory government responsibility. This includes the police force and the prisons. For example, our state government here in Victoria has responded to some people’s concerns and has increased the number of police officers employed. Other aspects are the firefighting services and also emergency services which help people during natural disasters such as fires, floods and storms. These are especially important here in Victoria, given our record of damaging bushfires and floods.
Lower cost housing is also an important role for State and Territory governments. For example, in Victoria the State government will spend around $2 billion in 2017/18 to provide assistance to first home buyers and for public housing for people with lower incomes, so they can obtain permanent housing.
Of course I have not discussed all areas of State and Territory government responsibilities and you should check other resources such as https://www.peo.gov.au/ if you want further information.
There are some people who say we are over-governed in Australia, with too many levels of government. On balance, I think our system of government works reasonably well. Even so, there is always room for improvement.
If you have a question or a comment to make, please leave it in the comments box at the bottom of this page. Or, you can send me an email at rob@slowenglish.info. I would love to hear from you. Tell me where you live, a little bit about yourself and what you think of my Slow English podcast. I will write back to you, in English of course. If you would like to take a short quiz to see if you have understood this podcast, you will also find it on my website. Goodbye until next time.
Podcast 94 Quiz - Did you understand the podcast?
You can take the quiz as many times as you like.
ambulances = a van, car or truck which takes sick or injured people to hospital
as a general rule = when something is mostly true (but not always)
aspects = parts of an idea
billion = 1000 lots of 1 million
chaotic = when everything is unorganized, when things are going very badly
community = all the people who live in your town or area
complain = when you are not happy with a product or service and you tell someone else
confess = when you admit something is true
control = when someone can decide what will happen
damaging = when things can be broken
despite = even though, nonetheless, notwithstanding
disasters = when things go very badly wrong, such as in a storm
elected politicians = people chosen in an election to make laws
emergency = when something happens that is dangerous, when someone’s life may be in danger
employed = to be given a job
energy = (here) something you use to make machines work, such as electricity, gas
enforcement = when you make sure a rule or law is followed
eventually = after a time
except = when something is not included
extensive = when there is a lot of something
facilities = buildings or equipment which make it easier to do something
funding = money
government = the people who make decisions for everyone, who run the country
held = (here) takes place
hospitals = a place where you go when you are sick, in order to get well again
immunization = when you are given medicine which stops you getting a disease
improvement = when something can be made better
involved = be part of something, or part of a process
keen = when you want something
located = where something lies
mainland = not on the island
maintained = when something stays at the same level
manage = to control something, to make decisions about how something will work
management = (here) when you control something, when you make decisions about something
middle = in between two others, in the centre
on balance = when you think about the pros and the cons
outskirts = on the edge
parliament = a place where the government meets to make laws
permanent = something which does not stop
police force = people who make sure the law is followed
powerful = when something is strong
previous = the one before
prisons = a place where you go when you have broken the law
proposed = when someone puts an idea forward for others to think about
provide = to give
public housing = cheaper houses or apartments which are owned by the government
related = it belongs with something else
relatively = when compared to other things of the same type
responded = answered
responsibilities = things that you must do
review = to look at something again
role = what tasks you do, what your job is
seats = (here) the number of people elected to go to the parliament as a politician
sewerage = a system to carry away human waste
topics = themes, names for groups of things
unsafe = when something is not safe