Learn English while learning about daily life in Australia, with Rob McCormack
Podcast Number 84 – The Sydney Opera House
Circular Quay in Sydney is one of my favourite places in Australia. That is where the ferries arrive from all around Sydney Harbour, bringing the people to the city centre. Not only do you have the beautiful Sydney Harbour stretching out before you, but you also have the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House right there in front of you. I used to work in a building situated at Circular Quay and often at lunch time I would go for a walk along the sidewalk next to the harbour to the Sydney Opera House just a few hundred metres away on Bennelong Point, jutting out into the harbour. It is an amazing sight and an amazing building. In this podcast, I would like to tell you a little about the Sydney Opera House.
The Opera House was opened in 1973 and since then has become an icon of Sydney and Australia, recognized all around the world. In fact, in 2007, the building was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List, as a building of special cultural value for the world.
The Opera House, as its name suggests, is a place where you can see operatic performances, but that is only part of the story. Actually, it has several auditoriums where you can see and hear not only opera, but also plays, musical concerts, ballet, modern dance and in fact performances and presentations of every kind. There are actually 6 auditoriums within the Opera House which vary in size. The biggest is the Concert Hall which holds 2,679 people and is the home of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, where large concerts are held. The next largest is the Joan Sutherland Theatre which holds 1507 people and is named after one of Australia’s, and the world’s, greatest opera singers, Dame Joan Sutherland. It is in this auditorium where Opera Australia and the Australian Ballet hold their performances. Next is the Drama Theatre which can hold 544 people. This is used by the Sydney Theatre Company and other groups and, as the name suggests, is where plays are most often performed. Next is the Playhouse, which can hold 398 people and likewise is used for drama and other types of performances. There are two other smaller auditoriums and also a recording studio. It is also important to mention the Outdoor Forecourt, which is a large area just outside the Opera House which can be used for major outdoor performances and other community events. For example, when Oprah Winfrey visited Australia, she held a wonderful concert in the forecourt of the Opera House – what a fantastic event that was.
The construction of the Opera House was controversial, as is often the case when something truly different and unique is created. It started in 1954 when the Premier of New South Wales announced that a new opera house would be created. A competition for the design was held. They received 233 entries from all around the world. The competition was won by a Danish architect Jørn Utzon. His design was chosen because of its originality. The roof of the building is in the shape of several huge shells made of concrete, which also look like sails on a gigantic sailing ship. Utzon was asked to oversee the construction which began in 1958. The budget was $7m and the planned completion date was January 1963. Because the design was so unique, it presented great challenges for the builders. Construction slipped behind schedule. In 1965, there was a change in government in New South Wales and the new government minister responsible for the building was very unhappy with how the construction was going. Not long after that, he had a disagreement with Utzon and in 1966 Utzon resigned and left Australia, saying he would never return. As a result, he never saw the completed building. The building was finally completed in 1973 at a cost of $103m. Nearly all of that cost was raised using a special Opera House lottery, which I think is a great way to provide the funding for such a controversial public building. When the building was opened in 1973, Utzon’s name was not even mentioned. However, many years later in 1999, Utzon was again invited to become involved. He was asked to develop further design principles for the Opera House. This means that his ideas and vision for the design can continue for many years to come as they continue to develop the Opera House. Personally, I am glad that he was finally recognized in Australia. He really did create a building which is world famous and truly unique. One of the smaller auditoriums has now been renamed the Utzon Room, as a tribute to his wonderful talents as the original designer of the Opera House. Utzon died at the age of 90 in 2008, in Denmark.
The Opera House continues to be a very important landmark for Sydney. Each year around 8 million people visit there and around 1,500 performances and events are held there. A visit to Sydney is not complete without a tour of the Opera House. My family and I like to travel on the ferry when we visit Sydney, departing at Circular Quay and travelling out to Manly Beach which is near the entrance to Sydney Harbour. The views of the Opera House are priceless as you sail away from Circular Quay. Likewise, when you return on the ferry you get to view the Opera House all over again as you approach Circular Quay. Another treat is to walk across the Sydney Harbour Bridge at night. The sight of the Sydney Opera House across the water is a view I will never tire of seeing.

View of the Sydney Opera House taken from the walkway on the Sydney Harbour Bridge. (Copyright Silvia McCormack 2016)
If you have a question or a comment to make, please leave it in the comments box at the bottom of this page. Or, you can send me an email at rob@slowenglish.info. I would love to hear from you. Tell me where you live, a little bit about yourself and what you think of my Slow English podcast. I will write back to you, in English of course. If you would like to take a short quiz to see if you have understood this podcast, you will also find it on my website. Goodbye until next time.
Podcast 84 Quiz - Did you understand the podcast?
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amazing sight = when a view is very, very good
announced = made public, when others are told
approach = when you go towards something
architect = a person who designs buildings
arrive = to get to a place
auditoriums = a room or hall where performances are held, for example, concert, plays, etc
budget = how much money you have to do a certain task
challenges = things that are very hard to do
community = the people who you live in your town or city
competition = when two or more people or teams compete to win
concrete = a hard material used in buildings, hard like a rock
construction = the process for making a building
controversial = when many people disagree about something
cultural = to do with how people live
departing = leaving
design = how something looks
disagreement = when two people do not agree on something
drama = plays
entrance = an opening, like a door or a place to enter
entries = the people who enter a competition
fantastic = wonderful, very very good
ferries = large boats which carry lots of people on a short trip
forecourt = a large area in front of a building
funding = an amount of money
gigantic = very, very large
huge = very large
icon = something which is much loved and respected
invited = when someone asks you to do something
involved = when you are part of an activity
jutting = sticking out
landmark = a place that is well known
likewise = when something is the same as something else
lottery = when you buy a ticket for a chance to win a prize
mention = to talk about something
operatic performances = a opera is a play with classical singing
Oprah Winfrey = an American talk show host and actress
originality = the degree to which something is not like other things
oversee = to control, to manage, to be the boss
presentations = when people provide information to others in an auditorium or theatre
Premier = the leader of the government in an Australian state
priceless = when something is very, very valuable
principles = rules that you should follow
quay = a place where ships and ferries can stop next to the land
raised = (here) to collect money
recognized = when a person or group accepts something as true, correct or known
recording studio = a place where songs or voices are recorded
renamed = when you change the name of something
resigned = when you leave your job
responsible = when you must make sure something happens
schedule = a timetable, the date when something must be finished
shells = found on the beach, the hard remains of small sea creatures
sidewalk = a place where you can walk, usually next to a road or a lake
situated = where something is, it’s location
stretching = (here) a view going a long way into the distance
tire = to become tired
treat = when you do something nice for yourself or somebody else
tribute = when you praise somebody
unique = when there is nothing else like this
value = how much something is worth
vary = change
vision = how you see something in the future
July 11, 2017 at 8:50 pm
It because of to your programs and those of spotlight that I improve my learning in English better and better; my greetings
July 11, 2017 at 9:37 pm
Hi Tazmah,
Many thanks for your kind words. I am pleased my podcasts are useful to you.
Greetings from Melbourne.
March 2, 2017 at 7:46 am
Hello Rob,
Just found your podcast looking for materials in slow English to help my students increase their knowledge of the language, as they learn about different subjects and appreciate the different accents that the English language has to offer. I wanted to thank you for taking the time to research and read these articles in such a way that is both interesting and helpful for my students as they follow along the written text and try to improve their English pronunciation.
I’m an Argentinean opera singer/language teacher living in Torino, Italy. I really enjoyed this episode, but I also enjoy reading and learning on a wide variety of subjects, from arts to sports and food.
Best wishes,
March 2, 2017 at 10:22 pm
Hi Gabriel,
Many thanks for your very kind message. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Being an opera singer is something really special. I wish you all the best with your students and with your opera career.
Best regards,